Happy for the big 2017....
Multi Ch.Golddragon Angerfist "Danny" TOP AFGHAN IN SPAIN ALL SISTEMS !!!!!!!!!!!

Ch.Golddragon Eutopia Destiny "Hallie" won the CAC CACIB Best Bitch (Mandatory point) under Mr.Gerad Jipping

22 on May 2016. International Show MADRID
Multi Ch.Golddragon Angerfist "Danny" won CAC CACIB BOB BOG & RuBIS, he closed the Spanish title !!
Multi Ch.Golddragon Miss Kittin "Kitty" won CAC CACIB Best Bitch, she closed the Spanish & Iberic title !!

Thann you very to judges Mr. Jose Luis Pairot & Mr.Carlos Renau

19 & 20 on September 2015. International Shows Gibraltar
We have some New Champions !!
Saturday, Ch.Golddragon Canis Flavus "Igor" won GCC CACIB NEW GIBRALTAR CH !!! Jv.Ch.Golddragon Miss Kittin "Kitti" won GCC!! Golddragon Lady Paris "Paris" won GCCJ NEW GIBRALTAR JUNIOR CH !!!!!
Judge Mr.Desmond Murphy
Sunday, Multi Ch.Golddragon Kiss Of The Tiger "Khesa" won GCC CACIB BOB NEW GIBRALTAR and INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION !!!!! Multi Ch.Golddragon Sweet Dreams "Tahira" won open class GCC RCACIB NEW GIBRALTAR CH !!!!!!!!!! Jv.Ch.Golddragon Miss Kittin "Kitty" won GCC and closed GIBRALTAR CH !! Jv.Ch.Golddragon Angerfist "Danny" won GCC CACIB BOS !!
Judge Mr.Lawrence Llamas

24 on May 2015. International Show Madrid - Spain (Mandatory Point)
Ch.Golddragon Rising Run "Marley" won CAC-RCACIB !, he is Now NEW SPANISH CHAMPION !!!!
Multi Ch.Golddragon Kiss Of The Tiger "Khesa" won CACIB BEST BITCH !! she closed the IBERIC CHAMPION !!
Golddragon Miss Kittin "Kitti" won the CCJ !!
Judge Mr. Miguel Gil - Rayma Spain
Arrived our new puppies !!!!!
Multi Ch.Shou Gerat Hijacker Flies to Golddragon & Ch.Golddragon Paloma de Hillsbury ....................
Puppies expected to first on May !
Esperamos cachorros para principios de mayo de estos espectaculares ejemplares Vladimir y Paloma !!!
21 on February 2015. Monografica CEGAS (Special) Spain
Our dear Ch.Golddragon Kiss Of The Tiger "Kesha" won SBIS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Golddragon Cherry Pie "Grace" won RCAC in a strong open class ! Golddragon Canis Flavus "Igor" won intermediate class ! and Junior Ch.Golddragon Angerfist "Danny" won Junior SBIS !!!
Judge Mr.Bernard Barjot - France

29-30-31 on Juanary, 1 on February 2015. Panamerican circut - Cuba
Ch.Golddragon Flying to Eternity "Icaro" he won x4 CACS and BOS he closing the CUBA CHAMPIONSHIP !!
Multi Ch.Golddragon Sweet Dreams "Tahira" won x2 BOS and x2 BOB BOG and BIS4, she is now NEW PANAMERICAN, CUBA & GRAN CUBA CHAMPION !!!
Judges; Mr.Rafael de Santiago
Mr.Jose Luis Pairot
Mr.Roberto Velez
Mr.Juan Luis Martinez

17 & 18 on Juanary 2015. International Shows Porto - Portugal
Ch.Golddragon Kiss Of The Tiger "Kesha" won CCC-CACIB - BOB & BOG, She is now NEW MEDITERRANEAN WINNER!
Multi Ch.Golddragon Blue Kryptonite "Blue" won CAC and she closed the PORTUGUESE CHAMPIONSHIP !!!

Judge Mr.Pedro Rufino - Portugal
Ch.Golddragon Rising Run "Marley" won CAC-QC-CACIB BOB & BOG, NEW PORTO WINNER 2015 !!
Ch.Golddragon kiss Of The Tiger "Kesha" won CCC , Goddragon Misstres Barbara "Lya" won CCJ

Judge Mr.Erodotos Neofytou - Cyprus

9 on Nobemver 2014. International Show Torrepacheco - Spain
Golddragon Psicophonia Sung The Wind "Nia" won CAC-CACIB BOB & RBOG !! His brother Golddragon Canis Flavus "Igor" won CAC-CACIB BOS !
Juge Mr.Leij Ragnar

5 on October 2014. International Show Talavera de la Reina - Spain (mandatory point)
Multi Ch.Golddragon Blue Kryptonite "Blue" won CAC-CACIB BOB & BOG she is now NEW SANISH CHAMPION !!

Judge in BOB Mr.Claudio Montefusto
Judge in BOG Mr.Per Iversen
20 & 21 on September 2014. International Shows Gibraltar
Ch.Golddragon Rissing Run "Marley" won both days CAC-CACIB BOB & BOG saturday !! he is now NEW GIBRALTAR CHAMPION !!
Judge saturday Ms.Elizabeth Gonzalez (pic) and Mr.Age Gjetnes
29 on March 2014. International Show Murcia - Spain
Golddragon Rissing Run "Marley" won CACIB, BOB & BOG3 ! Multi Ch.Golddragon Blue Kryptonite "Blue" won CACIB & BOS ! Golddragon Canis Flavus "Igor" won RBIS Junior !!! Golddragon Alejandro "Alex" in his first Show won BOB & BOG in BaBy class!!
Judge Mr.Pietro Paolo Condo
29 & 30 on March 2014. Internationals Shows in Macedonia
Ch.Golddragon Paloma de Hillsbury "Paloma" won both days CAC-CACIB & BOG !! She is now New Macedonian Champion !! Paloma continue his carrer for Europe with Olivier and Sabrine !!
Judges Mr.Pance Damaski & Mr.Istvan Orvcsik
23 on March 2014. International Show Erfurt - Germany
Jv Ch.Golddragon Mr. Ralphito "Phito" won V1 CAC & VDH junior, he closed the Germany & VDH Junior Champion !!
Judge Ms.Agnes Kertes Ganani
15 & 16 on March 2014. Special, National & International Shows Caldas - Portugal
Our dear Golddragon Kiss of The Tiger "Kesha" won in his first Show x3 CAC, 1 CACIB, x3 BOB & BOG !!!
Judges Mr.Stefan Sinko, Mr.Luis Catalan, Mr.Manuel Borgues
22 & 23 on February 2014. International Shows La Estrella de Antioquia - Colombia
Golddragon Full Moon "Fara" won x2 junior BOB & x2 adult BOB, she is now NEW COLOMBIA JUNIOR CHAMPION!!! Judges Ms.Leyda Perez & Mr.Richard Lopaschuck
22 on February 2014. International Show Fribourg -Swiss
Multi Ch.Golddragon Purple Confetti "Purple" won the Champion class and she closed the SWISS CHAMPION TITLE !! Judge Mr.Boris Chapiro
11 of Juanary 2014. International Show Martorell-Spain
The first Show of the 2014 our dear Multi Ch.Golddragon Blue Kryptonite "Blue" won CACIB BOB & BOG !!
Judge Ms. Gabriela Veiga - Portugal
21 & 22 of September 2013. Internationals Shows of Gibraltar
So good weekenk with our dogs !! Golddragon Pump Up The Jamp "kovu" won CACIB BOB the first day!! Golddragon Sweet Dreams "Tahira" CAC from the open class !!
2 News Gibraltar Champions, Multi Ch.Golddragon In An Absolute World "Gandhi" & Multi Ch.Golddragon Balelatina Hot Art "Duna" CACIB Best Bitch Cruft qualified !!!
jv.Ch.Golddragon Blue Kryptonite "Blue" won junior BOB junior Gibraltar Champion in his first and only Show !! Golddragon Canins Flavus won the BOB BOG PUPPY Gibraltar Winner!!
14 & 15 of September 2013. National & International Show of Santiago - Spain
Multi Ch.Golddragon Renaissance "Tayco" won x2 BOB & BOG in the International sunday, she acumulates his 14 BOG and continue the carrer in the Shows 2013 !! Handler Jose Salgueiro
Judges Mr.Jean Claude Klein & Mr.J Manuel Cañadillas
8 on June 2013. Finnish Afghan National 112 entries
Grand Ch.Golddragon Essence of Luxury Amal Salang "Macho"was second from 20 in open class & Best Dog4 !! Judge Ms.Nancy Edgington (Journey Afghan)
The second day "Macho" was CAC & BOB he is now New Finland Champion !!! Judge Mr.Markku Mahonen (Director-general of the Finnish Kennel Club )
2 on June 2013. National Show of Vic - Spain
Golddragon Sweet Dreams "Tahira" won his first CAC for the Spanish Championt title and BOB !!
Judge Mr.Pere Parra
1 On June 2013. International Show of Terni - Italy
Ch.Golddragon Purple Confetti "Purple" from the Champion class won the CACIB BOB & RBOG ! She closed the International Champion Title !!
judge Mr.Andrew H.Brace
26 On May 2013. International Show of Madrid - Spain ( mandatory point)
Our dear Multi Ch.Golddragon Renaissance "Tayco" won CACIB BOS !! Multi Ch.Golddragon Sundance Kid "Goultier" won the intermediate class, Grand Ch.Golddragon Balelatina Hot Ar "Duna" won the hard open class with RCAC !!
Judge Ms.Carmen Navarro
4 on May 2013. International Show of St. Petersburg - Russia
Multi Ch.Golddragon Essemce of Luxury Amal Salang "Macho" won the CACIB BOB & RBOG he finish the International Champion Title !!!!!!! judge Ms.Sharon Sakson
Welcome to home LYNDA !!!!!!!!!!
Argentina Ch.Golddragon Dancefloor
6 & 7 on April 2013. International Shows of Slobozia - Rumania
Ch.Golddragon Sundance Kid "Gaultier" end the third Champion title, he won x2 CAC x2 CACIB RBOG & BOG3 New Rumania Champion !!! judges Petru Muntean & Mr.Christian Stefanescu
Thank Olivier & Sabrine (Hillsbury & Sikandar Afghans) for the work with "Gaultier" !!!!!!!!
Gaultier RBOG under Mr.Petru Muntean. Handler Olivier Marion
2 & 4 on April 2013. International Shows of Sofia - Bulgaria
Ch.Golddragon Sundance Kid "Gaultier" won x2 CAC X2 CACIB He finish the Bulgarian Champion title !!!! judges Mr.Stefan Popov & Mr.Plamen Cholakok. Handler Olivier Marion
30 & 31 on March 2013. International Shows of Bitola & Prilep - Macedonia
New Champion Golddragon Sundance Kid "Gaultier" won x2 CAC & 1 CACIB BOG AND BIS 4 He is now New Macedonian Champion!!! Judges Mr.Pero Bozinonovki & Mr.Peshev Sasho. Handler Olivier Marion
24 on February 2013. International Show Valladolid - Spain
Multi Ch.Golddragon Celestial Wizard "Jefrelu" make the first Show of the year and won the BOB & BOG under judge Mr.Milivojex Urosevic
16 - 17 on February 2013. National and International Shows of Granada - Spain
Multi Ch.Golddragon Renaissance "Tayco" won BOB & BOG the first day and BOB & RBOG the second day, judge Mr.Pedro Delerue for the first day, Mr.Alfonso Castell the secon day
2 on February 2013. National Show of Zaragoza - Spain
Golddragon Sundance Kid "Gaultier" won the second CAC for the Spanish Championship. Judge Mr.Andrew Brace
19 & 20 on January 2013. National and Inernational Show of Vigo - Spain
The first Shows to "Tayco" Multi Ch.Golddragon Renaissance, and she won x2 BOB x2 BOG in the 2 consecutive Vigo's Shows.Judges Mr.Masanori Fujimoto & Ms.Carmen Navarro. Handler Jose Salgueiro
12 on January 2013. International Show of Martorell - Spain
Golddragon Sundance Kid "Gaultier" won the first CAC CACIB in this Show, he started his carrer from the Intermediate class with so good results !!! Judge Mr.Antonio Rojo