17 - 18 December 2011 National & International Shouws of Valencia - Spain
Golddragon On Top of The World, win the BOB puppy!!! Ch.Golddragon Renaissance "Tayco" win the last CAC and she is now NEW SPANISH CHAMPION!!!!! she finished the Champion title with only 21 moths in 5 consecutive Shows, maybe the afghan Spanish Champion more young!!!!!
Multi Ch.Golddragon Night on the Beach "Jive" win the BOB & BOG one more time!!!!!!!!!
Judge Mr. Tino Pehar
3 - 4 december 2011 Nationals & International Shows of Alicante - Spain
Golddragon Mariscalao´s Madam Chloe, "Clhoe" win the BOB & BOG PUPPY both dasy!!!! Golddragon In an Absolute World "Ghandy" win Best Male both days with 2 CAC - 1CACIB. Multi Ch.Golddragon Night on the Beach "Jive" win BOB, BOG both days and RBIS sunday in the International!!!!! "Jive" make 4 Shows in a month and win 4 BOG, 1 BIS3 & 1 RBIS is not bad!!!!!!!
Judges; Mr.Alfonso Castells, Ms. Federica Lochs, Mr.Adrian Argente & Mr.Frank Kane.
20 - 11 - 2011 International Show of Jerez-Spain (Special point to Championship)
Nice weekend!!
BOB puppy to Golddragon Mariscalato´s Madam Clhoe "Chloe" BOB & BOG junior & Best Male absolute!! Golddragon Freddy Krueger "Lucio" and finish the Spanish Junior Champion title!!!! CAC and New Spainsh Champion!! Ch.Golddragon Strangers by Night "Buda" Golddragon Renaissance "Tayco" win the CAC-CACIB BOB & RBOG!!!!!!!
Judge for the breed Mr.Svend Lovenkiger & for the group Mr.Per Iversen.
20 - 11 - 2011 Special National Show Club Afghans is Russia.
Jv.Ch.Golddragon Essence of Luxury Amal Salang "Macho" win the Best Junior and is New Junior Club Champion!!! Judge Mr.Jaime Ganoza from Peru ( Dega Afghans).
5 & 6 - 11- 2011 Nationals & International Shows of Torre Pacheco -Spain
Multi Ch.Golddragon Night on the Beach "Jive" win the BOB & BOG both days and BIS-3 the saturday!!! Golddragon in an Absolute World "Ghandy" win 2 CACS and 1CACIB Best Male both days!!! Shou gerat Sof Shot to Golddragon "Sinshilla" win the open class bitch with 2 CACS and RCACIB!! Golddragon Mariscalato´s Madam Clhoe "Clhoe" win the Best puppy & Group!!! judges: Mr.Martin Baskaran & Ms.Saija Juutilainen.
30 - 10 - 2011 National Show Azuaga - Spain
Golddragon Freddy Krueger "Lucio" win the absolute Junior BIS!! this is the second BIS to "Lucio"!!!
judge for the breed Ms. Carmen Navarro, and for the BIS Ms. Valeria Bobicova
22 - 10 - 2011 Specialty National Spanish Club Afghans & Salukis C.E.G.A.S.
Golddragon Beautiful Natural Light, win the BOB & BIS puppy, the litterbrother Golddragon On top of the world, win the BOS puppy, Golddragon Renaissance "Tayco" win the intermediate class bitch and RCAC in the first show, is not bad!! Golddragon In An Absolute World "Ghandy" win the intermediate class dog...
and finally our girl Multi Ch.Golddragon Night on the Beach "Jive" win BOB, BIS & NEW CLUB CHAMPION TITLE!!!
Judge Mr. Goran Bodegard (Sweden)
Rapport of the judge Mr.Goran Bodegard: Ch.Golddragon Night on the Beach " Very beautiful, well developped bitch. Excellent outline. Excelent head. Excellent front. Moves with great style. Excellent coat "
23 - 10 - 2011 International Show of Velez Malaga - Spain.
Golddragon Freddy Krueger "Lucio" win the best junior male and Ch.Golddragon Strangers by Night "Buda" win open class CAC - RCACIB. Judge Mr. Rony Doedjins.
22 - 10 - 2011 National Show of Velez Malaga - Spain.
Golddragon Freddy Krueger "Lucio" win the BOB & BOG adult with only 13 months!!! Judge Ms.Nina Karlsdotter.
9 - 10 - 2011 Specialty & International Show of Moscow - Russia
JCh.Golddragon Essence of Luxury Amal Salang "Macho" win the "Best Junior" both days.
Judges Ms. Iveta Vojtekova & Mr. Zeferino Silva
Multi Ch.Golddragon They´re Illusions "Eros" win the hard open class with CAC !!!
Judge Mr.Ramon Podesta from Chile (Vom Haussman afghans)
2 - 10 - 2011 National Show in St. Petersburg - Russia
J.Ch.Golddragon Essence of Luxury Amal Salang "Macho" ended the Junior Champion title, J.RBIS & RBIS all breed!!!
Judges Ms.Galina Todorova (Bulgaria) & Mr.Sergei Slukin (Ukraine)
25 - 9 - 2011 International Show of Leon - Spain
Multi Ch.Golddragon Celestial Wizard "Jefrelu" win the BOB & BOG !!!!!!!!
Judge of the BOB Mr.Branislav Rajic & Judge of the BOG Mr.Martin Baskaran.
25 - 9 - 2011 International Show of Tarbes - France
Ch.Golddragon Key to Sky "Zoe" win the open class CAC - RCACIB recovery the CACIB. Judge Mr.Pietro Paolo Condo (Italy)
18 - 9 - 2011 National Show in St. Petesburg - Russia
Golddragon Essence of Luxury Amal Salang "Macho" win the ABSOLUTE JUNIOR BIS!!! & RBIS All Breeds!!!! "Macho" only have 12 months and continue with a fantastic carrer!!!
judge Ms. Elena Kuleshova - Rus.
11 - 9 - 2011 National spetial Show of FALAPA - FRANCE.
Multi Ch.Golddragon Night on the Beach "Jive" win the CAC & BOS in this hard Show, she is now NEW FRENCH CHAMPION!!!
Judge Ms. Pauline Hewitt (Khandu afghans from Australia)
16 - 7 - 2011. Show of Sighthound Dinkelsbuhl in Germany.
Multi Ch.Golddragon They´re Illusions "Eros" win other cac up to Germany Champinship, BOB & ABSOLUTE BIS!!!!!!
under Judge Ms. Patricia Cruz, from Usa.
29 - 5 - 2011 International Show in Casa Blanca - Morocco
A new adventure, a weekend with 4 titles Champion!!! Ch.Golddragon Strangers by Night "Buda" win the cac cacib, BOB & BOG NEW MOROCCO CHAMPION!!
Ch.Golddragon Malizia by La Perla "Perla" win the cac cacib Best female and ended the MOROCCO & INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION TITLES!!
J.Ch.Golddragon Flamenco Art and Mistery, win the best junior with JUNIOR MOROCCO CHAMPION!!
20, 21 & 22 - 5 - 2011. International Shows of Alliance & Centenary of the R.S.C.E. in Spain
Multi Ch.Golddragon Lady GaGa "GaGa" win the RCAC the both days, Ch.Shylo October Sky "Grant" win the exc 2 the first day and RCAC the second day.
Golddragon Freddy Krueger "Lucio" win BOB and BOG PUPPY BOTH DAYS!!!!
Under Judges Mr. Carlos Renau, Ms. Carla Molinari (Portugal) and Ms. Ana Mesto for the BOG puppy the first day.
21 & 22 - 5 - 2011. Internationals Shows of Paphos - Cyprus
Multi Ch.Golddragon Sunshine to Moonlight "Killer" win RBIS the first day & the second day win the ABSOLUTE BIS!!!
also is new APHRODITE WINNER 2011!!!!
under Juges Ms. Rita Kadike Skadina & Ms. Dorothea Hanlon Carroll
14 - 5 - 2011 Show Russian Kinologikal Federation Championship - Russia
Golddragon Essence of Luxury Amal Salang "Macho" win the ABSOLUTE BIS PUPPY!!
Judge Ms. Irina Azen (Belarus) for the BIS Ms. Galina Zhuk (Belarus)
8 - 5 - 2011. International Show of Badajoz - Spain
Golddragon Freddy Krueger "Lucio" win in this Show the ABSOLUTE BIS PUPPY all breeds!!!!
Judge D.Claudio de Giuliani (Italy)
2, 3 - 5 - 2011. Dalla´s Shows in Usa
Ch.Golddragon Balelatina Hot Art "Duna" win the "Best Winners Bitch" both days, 3 + 3 points with 2 majors up to American Championsiph.
Judges Ms.Lynn Mercer & Mr.Scott Pfeil (in the pic)
30 April, 1, 2, on May of 2011. International and Nationals Shows of Montenegro Tour.
Multi Ch.Golddragon Lady GaGa, "GaGa"win 1 rcacib, 6 cacs, 2 bob & Rbog, she is now Montenegro, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Macedonia & Balkan Champion!!!!!
22 -04- 2011. Internacional Dog Show - Monaco
Ch.Golddragon Night on the Beach "Jive" has won the second CAC one year again, and BOS & BOB. Jive has finished her Title MONACO CHAMPION !!!!! ,with her own style, one more time !!! . Judge : Mr. Guy Mansecal

16 de Abril de 2011, International Dog Show in Pau - Francia.
Ch.Golddragon Celestial Wizard "Jefrelu" has won CACIB and BOB in his first out to the ring in this country, now "Jefrelu" is NEW
INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION!!!!! . Judge : Mr.Voilet Claude

26 - 2 - 2011. International Dog Show Toulouse - France. Spetial point for the French Championship.